
發(fā)表于 討論求助 2023-05-10 14:56:27













關(guān)于擴大工發(fā)組織的電子廢物管理合作,工發(fā)組織項目經(jīng)理Alfredo Cueva指出“由于在一些國家回收市場的規(guī)模很小,因此目前拉丁美洲必須制定區(qū)域解決辦法。將國家收集和預(yù)處理業(yè)務(wù)與區(qū)域先進的回收和處理基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施相結(jié)合,使之具有經(jīng)濟和商業(yè)意義。


According to the International Communications Union, theamount of e-waste generated in 2016 was enough to build almost 4,500 Eiffeltowers: by weight it totaled 44.7 million metric tons of old computers,televisions, fridges, mobile phones, and other appliances.

Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), also knownas e-waste, is the fastest growing waste stream in the world. It is expected toreach 52.2 million metric tons by 2021, enough to build another 1000 Eiffeltowers.

The proper disposal and recycling of the increasing amountof e-waste needs to be addressed, not only because of the environmental and health challenges, but also because of the economic opportunities.

E-waste contains high value resources, precious metals suchas gold, silver, palladium and platinum, as well as high value plastics which makeresource recovery and recycling activities attractive from an economic andbusiness perspective.

The total value of all raw materials present in e-waste isestimated at approximately 55 billion Euros in 2016, which is more than theGross Domestic Product of most countries in the world. Based on e-waste recycling value chains, it is important to construct environmentally friendlysocieties and to achieve economic sustainability.

UNIDO works with governments and with the private sector toencourage industry to ‘design for recycling’. Promoting sustainable solutionsthat eliminates the concept of waste and transforms it into an opportunity,into resources for sustainable production.

For WEEE this would mean collecting, dismantling, processing and recycling its components in order to close its life cycle loop by sendingthe materials back into the industrial value chain. Engaging manufacturers inthe repurposing of materials – reducing waste and integrating ‘end-of- life’planning at design stage is also important.


UNIDO′s approach:from national to regional

Since 2008 UNIDO has been advising governments on legal frameworks and identifying financial options to sustain the recycling system,taking all stakeholders and stages of the e-waste recycling chain into account.

UNIDO′s e-waste programme has been implemented in countriessuch as Uganda, Ethiopia, Vietnam or Cambodia using funds from the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) and partnering with companies like Dell or Microsoft.

The aim is to promote activities that both prevent and managee-waste whilst simultaneously providing the countries with the technical, legaland administrative capacity to handle e-waste in a socially and environmentallysound manner that protects the health and the environment.

After successfully implementing national projects, UNIDO has now scaled-up its e-waste programme to a regional level, in order to address intra-regional challenges, for example in the Latin American Region within the framework of Circular Economy and to comply with the Stockholm Convention and other relevant agreements.

This GEF-funded project entitled, “Strengthening of National Initiatives and Enhancement of Regional Cooperation for the Environmentally Sound Management of POPs in Waste of Electronic or Electrical Equipment (WEEE)in Latin American Countries” (GEF 5554) will be implemented in Argentina,Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras,Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Referring to the scaling up UNIDO′s e-waste managementcooperation, UNIDO Project Manager Alfredo Cueva states “Developing regionalsolutions is nowadays a must in Latin America because the size of the recyclingmarkets is very small in some countries. Linking national collection andpre-processing operations with regional advanced recycling and disposalinfrastructures makes economic and business sense.? In addition, applying similar standards through the region may help deter illegal trans-boundary movements of hazardouswastes.”

The project will assist these 13 countries both technically and financially, advising on policies, business plans, legislation, technology, and awareness-raising. It is also envisaged that a Circular Economy approach will support national industries that provide recycling services and significant numbers of direct decent jobs and work opportunities, while protecting the environment from hazardous chemicals and emissions, recovering raw materialsand providing affordable refurbished products.


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